The current security monitoring options offered by most companies are not only offering very basic service, but it often lacks far behind what thieves and hackers use to compromise the security you and your family deserve.
We do not provide consumer-grade equipment because we cannot support devices that have lightweight support. Our approach incorporates GDPR* and cybersecurity compliant devices and hardware that is upgradable and can be supported for many years to come. Depending upon your occupancy such as young children, older family, service providers such as cleaning and cooking staff, your needs to have access control, reporting and real time video is crucial. Once this is established, it is fairly straight forward to integrate automation and management from just about any mobile smart device.
*GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation is a European Union regulation on information privacy and is far more stringent than any current consumer standards, standards established by the U.S. or any non-military organization.
One primary reason many clients choose us is that we're local, privately owned and offer NDAs by default for our clients. We work with-you and for-you, never do we answer to shareholders or conglomerates who own us, so there are no conflicts of interest and just absolute privacy of what was installed on your property, how it was set-up and how it is supported. Give us a call to have your complimentary security and automation assessment. 305 812-7847
Not difficult at all! We offer various solutions, such as gate controls that simply offer live video, a green button to open, a red button to close the gate. As long as the user is not severely vision impaired, no training or language barriers exist to make using our technology options hard to use.
We specialize in providing "take-overs" and piggybacking onto existing wiring if and when possible. This speeds up installation, reduces costs and should newer technologies be of interest to you in the future, we can upgrade you to adopt newer features as needed.
We're not the cheapest, but its not because we're expensive, we simply don't take short cuts. Many of our competitors use sub-par Chinese cabling which has less copper content and always ends us compromising your installation and failing. We do things once and do them well!
In certain coastal applications for example, we recommend fiber optic cabling which is future proof and super robust. That's how we're able to support and stand behind everything we install, from big screen TVs, projection monitors, high-end Sonos audio equipment and all of the diverse technologies we offer our distinguished clientele.